Thursday, March 13, 2008

Fun in Stockton

First of all, I'de like to say I LOVE where I live! I like the peace and quiet, and I really love all of the wildlife (except for all of the dead deer all over the roads..which seem to be haunting me this year...??) I'll explain that later. Our house is awsome, and Paul really did a great job building it. I have two of my horses kept at the house, and one at my work in Saratoga Springs (just got a new one!) Paul has got three of his own at the house. It's fun to watch them out the bedroom window this time of year, the weather is getting warmer and they love to play.

The deer... what is going on this year with the deer? I have never seen more dead deer along the roads in my life, I won't go into detail, but what the??

So.. I'de like to say that I'm not too fond of cattle farmers anymore. One shot our dog Concho, said he was chasing his cows. I also know now that Karma really does exist, because about 1 week later this guys barn burnt down to the ground, along with his cows hay... HAHAHAHAHA.(Maybe that's not funny)

Paul and I are getting ready to put in our yard this spring, it's really going to be a lot of work! Hopefully I can save up and buy lots of trees, there aren't any trees on our property, or anywere around our property for that matter. I think the trees will make the yard look extra special. We are still working on furnishing and decorating, but it is coming along nicely. umm.. I guess I didn't realize how expensive all of this crap is!! GEEZ.

Stockton has some of the most beautiful sunsets, hopefully I can snap a couple pictures one evening and post them here. Stockton is fun, neighbors are cool. I'm lovin it.


Unknown said...

Ashley!!! I'm so excited you're blogging! It's nice to know what's going on with you and Pauly.

Kim said...

Sorry about Concho, how did you find out that the Cattle farmer shot him?

lizzyandpop said...

I almost got one of those deer when I was on my way to your house a few months ago.

Yeah! your birthday. I wish I was there for some birthday cake.

Andy loves your easy make muffins.

Lisa and Mark said...

you need to make a new post!